Saturday, January 28, 2012

Home Study Visit Complete :)

Don't you just meet the neatest people during the adoption process?? Our social worker is so awesome. She's very easy-going, organized, kind, and also thorough. I think she really feels the desire to know our family - how we operate - and share advice. We are very near having this "update complete" - so all is well... in a couple of weeks all the updated background checks will be in and she can finalize her report. Then it's off to USCIS again, I assume we get updated prints...and then we wait for travel.

I KNOW she's going to be a great resource when we bring Lauren home. She has such patience with my never-ending questions... like our discussion today about baby gates :) - and how many we might want to consider, given our long we keep them up, at what age can they be removed... etc. What is so hard is...when you have a newborn, you KNOW they are not going to climb out of the crib and start moving around the house. With a walking 2 1/2 year old -- there is a bit more unknown...I told her, I'm sure I won't sleep for a good year after she's home... and we're even co-sleeping in the beginning!! When she does eventually move to her own room...and own bed... I'm certain I won't sleep. Maybe I need to consider a sleeping bag for her room ...for ME on the floor by HER bed :) I can see myself praying through these fears on a daily basis. I think the issue is, we love our children so much - sometimes, we just need to realize, as a good friend told me once about fears raising Joshua, "Renae, your baby is here on this earth loaned to you from God -- he (Joshua) is God's child - He will protect him. You just need to be the best caretaker of this child and leave the rest to the Lord".... whoa, Nellie (as Dr. Purvis would say) -- that's preachin...but oh so true! So Lord Jesus, if you trust me enough again... I'm willing to be the best caretaker of another one of your children...just as long as you don't leave me for even a second :)

p.s. - I'm also ever thankful for the growing group of PAP/friends I've met and continue to meet along this journey. Seriously, without all of you to share life's experiences... the ups and downs... it would be so much harder. You all, I consider one of God's greatest provisions.


  1. I'm so glad that it went well! Your social worker sounds wonderful.

  2. Yay for another step (or should I say re-step) over. :) And I'm still hoping you never need that update anyway. :) But it is so wonderful that you met yet one more incredibly helpful person. You're so right, this journey leads you to the most amazing people. Like you. :)

    1. Me too, one down a few more to go.... and as for you!!.... you are still my Barnabas, the ever encourager :) {hugs, hugs}
