Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The sounds of our house

Night time brings special moments with kiddos and daddy - usually a variety of routines but here are just a few wonderful sounds of our home right before bed......

Lauren:   "daddy....daddy....daddy..." - as she motions for him to pick her up to pull the string on the ceiling fan light.

Joshua:  "daddy....go long" - as he throws the football across our bedroom

Lauren: laughing as she trying to catch the football -- and doesn't have a chance in the world... at least not yet.

The game stomp: - plays in the background --- 1-2-3 stomp!

Lauren: sleepy laughter that makes me giggle - as Joshua chases her -- she calls out for "daddy...daddy...daddy"

Joshua:  "come on Lauren, let's go read from daddy's kindle"

Lauren: "do-da-loo-da-doo" which equals "come get me"

Brad: "have you kids brushed your teeth???"

Me: "it's time for bed"

Brad, Lauren, and Joshua: "ahhhhhhhh.....really??" .... with Lauren's adding "NO!"

You gotta love the sounds of a happy house.


  1. Beautiful glimpse of a simple sweet and wonderful night, indeed.

  2. It's such a good idea to capture "normal" moments! Those are the things that aren't in photos, etc. :o)
