Thursday, December 13, 2012

Quick Katie update -- Our Lord is still in the miracle business!!!

Just a quick note on Katie, the daughter of a family in our adoption support group.  Katie was struck by a car while at college and has a brain injury....well, I'd say bleeding and swelling, but it seems as they continue to test her and perform MRIs, they keep getting good news.  Katie has no DAI and no neck tendon injury - this is a miracle!!  They have taken her off sedation to get her to wake up -- and removed her neck brace to make her more comfortable.  She has remained calm as her mom and dad pray over her and sing to her, previously she would be combative when the sedation was turned down (her dad says she's a fiesty one)...but today she was calm.... such power in prayer.  Furthermore, the expectation of her not waking for two months has now turned into them trying to wake her today as they took her off sedation to see how it goes..... well, she opened her eyes a short bit - barely open and even moved her eyes! It seemed from her dad's update that even the medical professionals were surprised. Her mom and dad continue to be by her side as well as others and amazing friends from her college hold prayer vigils and take turns staying over night..... the power of the Body of Christ is intervening in mighty ways for this young woman and it seems that He is certainly still in the miracle business.... please continue to pray!! Please also pray for family on both sides as this must be taking a toll on even those at home caring for other younger family members. Keep praying!!!

At times like this I have to wonder....... who in their midst will certainly accept Christ by watching this amazing Christian family hold up their daughter with hope and courage and faith???  Who is our Lord calling right now to the Body of Christ, a particular nurse, a doctor, a college student, someone in the cafateria, or maybe housekeeping?  There is always a reason for times like this ... so you just have to wonder, don't ya?

Faithful prayer warriors -- continue to pray.... also, there is a Jeremy that had the same thing happen to him there at the hospital also.... he doesn't have the same level of support -- add him to your prayers, perhaps there is life changing events in his family's midst. 


  1. Oh Renae I will be praying!!! And I agree with you about who will accept Christ in this situation? It's an amazing testimony of the love of Christ!!!

  2. oh my word! Praying Renae!
